Second night shift in a row

Tonight is my second night shift in a row and my first week in a month of night shifts. I wasn’t meant to be on tonight but I agreed to a bank shift last night as we were short staffed. Tonight I’m the only permanent nurse on shift. Most of the staff are agency or bank staff, but luckily [the] staff that are on tonight are regulars on the ward and are a really great time. I administered the night time medications at the start of the shift, then I helped with covering 1:1s to let staff away on their breaks.

One of our patients returned to the ward from being over in the general side of the hospital for some physical issues we couldn’t manage here. I was busy when she got back and other staff helped her settle back in. I came to check in with her when I had time and she seemed happy to be back. The other nurse and I then split the nursing notes to complete, which is basically writing out the nursing care they received and what they have been up to eg. medication, eating/drinking, therapeutic engagement with staff or any concerns or issues that have come up.

Then I updated the safety huddle for the next morning with all the relevant information from the past 24 hours. The rest of the shift was settled and nothing worth noting really happened.

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